Harmony for Healing
With a heavy heart, I'm writing to inform you of the cancellation of Harmony for Healing
Despite our collective efforts and excitement to bring this event to life, unforeseen challenges
have forced us to make this tough decision.
Regrettably, some essential contributors have fallen short on their commitments to the festival.
This has left us unable to proceed with the festival as planned. I deeply apologize for any
disappointment or inconvenience this may cause to all those eagerly anticipating this event.
In moments like these, I'm reminded of the proverbial saying, "It takes a village." Indeed, the
success of any endeavor, especially one as ambitious as our music festival, relies on the
collaborative efforts of many. It is a testament to the power of community and collective action. Rather than continue smaller events that illicit little change, Community Catalyst will pivot its
attention to supporting legislative change as well as provide information about opportunities to
help worthy organizations in need of volunteers.
During this interim period, I encourage you to continue supporting our community and the
causes close to your hearts. Whether through volunteerism, financial contributions, or simply
spreading awareness, every act of kindness makes a difference.