#3 - OHS:
Academics: AP 52% of ap test takers scored 3 or higher
IB: 10 students IB diploma, 246 students taking IB diploma program courses
Personal inquiry project - 9th grade starts, finishes in 10th
Launch Xello 9-12:
32 college visits
Speciality program visits
ASVAB testing 2x a yr on site
Coming soon Lunch & learn:
*speakers in mating, law public safety etc, cpt science, health
Auto comps : skills USA -
Sean Willson is National Merit scholarship finalist
OSEC: early college program.
250 students current program: 552 college classes, ave gpa 23.55, capstone gala may 9
Special Programming:
Mindfulness: students success program: check in w/ teacher beginning and end of day. Extra supports, SW, TC, and teachers.
Transition committee: MRS and preemployment classes.
MENTORSHIP: bullybusters: Students connecting students from OHS to OMS
Peer to peer LINKS @ OHS: teaching about special need students
ADVISORY: SEL: Trails program.
ARTS: beauty & beast musical. March 8-9 & 14-16
Comps fro marching band, dance, orchestra, bands, choir etc.
Solo & ensamble : excellents.
Ceramic students made monster pictures come to life from 5th graders.
ATHLETICS: Division 1 diving: 2nd & 3rd place.
14 students w/ national athletic letter of intent to college.
All state athletes, all state academic athletes, OAA directors cup, OHS was #1
CLUBS: over 300 clubs. NHS blood rive, travel club : London on spring break, Students supporting teachers: new club
SRT’: student relations team: meet weekly, intervention, progress, led by asst. principal.
SABERS winter scores. 2023 -2024: 84% low risk fall/ 87 in winter
12% (168) some risk. Ck ins w/ FSL, 17 - significant risk : 1:1 w/ counselor and meet 2x
5 OHS MH professionals. CBITS: cog behave. Intervention for trauma. If low/medium risk., parents connect with parents if LOW risk
STARR & commonwealth: goal: trained 10 more people. District perspective: organizational self assessment on trauma to ID what we do well, work, and goals going forward. W/in staff, policy, programs.
12 hours training, 22 staff. Educator component and clinical component. Julie MCDaniels partner at Oakland Schools. Trauma informed platform.
Dr. Roland at meeting. Students would like to create own video for safety.
HIGHLIGHTS: spirited staff: spirit days, etc. 29 students applied, for change makers. To see what their needs are.
Dancers Regional champs.
“ Received a threatening email”
Law enforcement leads, school follows.
Priority for OCSO & to keep students / staff safe, determine credibility of threat.
Threat outside of building.
Learned at 2pm by ocso press release not credible.
705: admin email sent in inbox
Arrive at 715: priority of assist. To find subs, etc.
747: opened email and found email
748: admin assit calles Allison to willemin to report email and fwd to her
749: admin feds to OHS admin
754058: admin called rep Scott, etc.
8 - notified sherif
803: radio admin team to meet in security office
815: barnes secures additional deputies, contacted sherif and k9
830: admin & fortis ck vechiclesc
907- k9 unit. Began protocol for search, and drone unit.
1002. Ocso gives permission for ops to send communication
1002 D. Beasley sends communication to staff about secure protocol and announcement to follow 3rd hour.
1003: notified secure protocol by PA announcement: new protocol business as usual, no in or out.
1003-1012 : email communications sent out
1003-1055: announcements: notifications, lots cleared, investigation not complete, early dismissal info, supports available at ova/resiliencey car
1052: second communication sent
1100 dismissal
1120 staff metting/debrief
Deadly made a point to note she was not adlibing, she was reading what she was told
1120: staff meeting - optional / debrief ( who debriefed - credentials)
1215: after action review
238 - third communication.
OCS, additional deputies, k9, computer crimes, fortis, OHS staff made rounds to support, therapy dogs, additional safety personnel, tech team investigation, debriefing session for staff, rescheduling events, partnering w/ neighboring distrtics/ ops, classroom meeting w/ PREPaRE script. ( check out the prepare script)
Staff took care of students, and each other
Front office team proactive,
Admin/ responded quickly & appropriately
Partnership between OCSO & OCS
What admin should say on the phone - called Angela weaver for what to say. ( why her - )
Review w/ staff standard response protocol and components - SECURE>
no-one is allowed in or out, can go to different classes, night locks not suppose to be used.
AMANDA : stated: looked in to university protocol: what’s the steps, is their more training, I know it’s in the EOP to call 911, it’s in the yellow flip chart that addresses bomb threats.
BEAZLE: admin is new: does chain of command. This wasn’t trained for…. They train for calls.
The script: check boxes etc so admin doesn’t need to remember….
*new language. Some didn’t know what that meant.
Change ICS roles - some
Communications to offsite programs
New employee training
Email, text, phone call and add students.
Supports in place:
Ova, resilience car, extra support at OHS this week, OHS staff reached out to students/staff, administrators cked in w/ coaches/ arts dpt, onsite EAP counselor for staff, reminded students of resources, reminded staff of resources.
Beazley’s debrief is not the same as an actual debrief.
#4. Superintendent Search:
Dr. Serena Shivers - lead consultant. Report is 23 pages.
Highlights: selection process/ executive summary: talking w/ individuals and small groups. Same questions asked to everyone. Represents THEMES/ consistent comments. The way individuals came together around particular topic
160 indviduals met, and 16 groups. IS consistent w/ other searches. Roughly 100-200 participate. Normal
3 questions ask consistently
1: strengths
2. What are challenges
3. Characteristics looking for in new SI
4. Anything you’d like for new SI to know.
Board, staff, students, parent/community. Groups.
Page 4: summaries, and analysis of info collected. Themes consistent across all 4 groups: sstrength/care of staff. Academic offerings strength. Small community, close knit, connected, sense of belonging, knowing each other,
Challenges: budget, safety.
Outliers but still consistent, or a lot of head nodding/ agreement
Strength: lots of help for students struggling. Teachers go out of their way, accodomate adjustments, etc.
How well operations worked within the district, transportation ran smoothly, collaboration .
Pg 5:
Challenges: Community group: getting trauma informed support that needs, recognize unrest, the help they needed / training is happening. Kids in multiple schools, need more cohesiveness.
Board: OVA: pull kids from regional / outside of Oxford, beacon of OHS district. Safety / security top priority.
Challenges: 11/30, kids impacted by covid/11/30,
Staff: strength: safety, training, top priority. Treated well, opportunities for development, benefits, and employee svcs, teachers/transportation, etc,
Challenges: voices weren’t heard, decisions made by select group. Actively involved. ( kinda contradict each other)
Close nit could also be challenge , good ole boy system.
Students: 18 students: teachers, staff and admin are caring and supportive. They are given space they need to share concerns. Check in systems in place
Challenges: email/ texting communication to students not good. More.. they don’t use it. Budget and finance concerns in district. Their understanding that it’s tied to safety measures. Some safety measures need to go out. Underclassmen that are current in place, all they know , if they go away, underclassman won’t know how to do HS w/o that.
Better communication of under classmen know what happenes/ they need to know.
Security measures give false sense of security, and inconsistent in evening, / after school .
Parents: victims/staff members pg 12: strength: staff, programs, arts/atheletics, no pay to play. Equitable experience.
Challenge: lack of consistency, rules, procedures, follow through communication.
Pg 13: overall : candidate profile: visionary, inspirational leader, foster strong relationships, implement collaborative vision, listens, representative interests, motivations, inspiriting, lead w/ transparency, put students in center, foster open/safe environment w/ trauma informed care. & TA.
Pg 15 -23. Almost verbatim. Listed very comment made.
Comes back on Monday to provide slate of candidates.
5) scheduled public comment:
Danielle: qtly safety update:
Most urgent priority ask Danielle for copy.
Encouraged by vickie but now still struggle on transparency and data. IE: amount of effort to gain visibility to safety committee….. asked BOE, vickie, Allison, etc. the entire purpose of parent safety committee, to rebuild trust 2 years later still don’t know. August safety update: great intention, data, but none other where’s feedback, how are we measuring ourself, where’s the progress on evolve, prepare training. What Datta did u use to to remove….
Marissa: nutrition svc: strengths: food svc workers, kitchens, how hard they work, how much they love the students, free lunch program, saving money, and stigma of free meals gone in Michigan. Advocate w/ legislations, but long lines w/ students not having time to eat, workers overworked. We have obligation to tax payers to svc children efficiently and seek their feedback, respect and appreciate workers so they are not overwhelmed, they don’t need to experience so much stress,
Asking for :
Instead of adding process foods, ….
I want workers to know I appreciate them, and maybe give them a bonus w/ turnover.
KIT: robotics:
Ive been involved for 12 yrs. I love the program. It’s phenomoninal , and more opportunities, we build more than robots. Kids have done incredible things. Last 2 yrs the HS leadership left me wondering if we will have one in the future. They are only now asking permission for travel. For first comp of the season. They’ve been to states/worlds 8-9x been to states every time expect last 2 years. They didn’t earn the right to take the robot to see if they won the award.
Our team is up for an award, they should be required to be there. The entire team was scheduled to. Be there… the robot didn’t make states, but the team still did. The team cancelled their travel plans. Stipulation : if they are up for the award, the entire team should be there, 3/4 of the team have never seen state comps. It’s a different feel. SBSU, they should be going to represent school and selves, even if its only for an award.
Corre Vanderkay: Leadership
What recs will SI make to the board. ( ask if she’ll send)
Still waiting to hear what you’ll offer students/families. Community divide, lots of victim shaming, via board member spouse, what message does that send to them. Their pain and suffering doesn’t matter, graffiti in the school for SI.
Culture here, tell them to ask for help, then shame them for asking,
Worried about data about rise in SI after shooting, and anti depressants, increase in absenteeism, less likely to graduate HS, or go to / graduate college. What modifications will the SI make to the board.
After picking up my daughter to day, she told me that attendance was low, and they were sad and tired. And then after the script that was read, many were upset to learn this information was found out around 715 and they didn’t learn about it till about 10. She’s worried that when the go to school and a threat has been made they are not being made aware. If that could be great
(He shared his comment with me, I copied and pasted with permission)
New board members were not aware of how the attorney general was blocked from investigating Nov 30 just weeks after the shooting in private meetings violating open meetings act and costing 3 million dollars. It was the community foya that brought this information to light. Why did you vote to keep charging exorbitant fees to the community?
Parents security committee members? Erin
Security wants to find who wrote on the bathroom wall about their feelings but couldn't determine who left the dead bird in a jar of piss..
Disparities in security between board members and students and after school events.
Heather Shafer mocking a community member for being hearing impaired during a board meeting! What the hell is wrong with you? Heather and Mary you continue to display an example of failed leadership with blood on your hands, for the sake of our family's whose children were murdered because of your failures, resign!
If you're going to spend millions on the drainer Rd project could you please spend a few hundred dollars and replace the speakers in this room so there is clarity in audio presentations?
Your weapons detection solution failed, you told us it was installed and active? Driftnet
We don't trust you anymore Allison!
Return the 5 minute standard for our community to speak at board meetings..
Can we have an update on the lawsuit addressing the video of two students undressing each other that was shared out from Jim Rourke's computer for the viewing pleasure of other staff members unnecessarily.
Please publish the parent security meetings so we can attend!
Increase the fund limit for student therapy from 2000 to unlimited.
Kallie: Shriner rd: in terms of the way you do the schedule, w/ presentation, we have so many ikmpt things to talk, we could have the presentations be done at the end, or put on tape for ovctv.
Dhraner property, I call it resort, 32 acres, 21 bedrooms, 3 homes,
Took money from general fund to buy properties, the sandbox been sitting there for. Years, not helping, we don’t need it. That’s millions we could have spent on mH experts, training, etc.
In 2019 notified to do EOP,
93% of staff confident in safety and security, office staff needs to. Know how to do camera.
But instead u buy properties. 2021. That’s what’s important. May 2021. ….. tJune 2021 - Shriner, needs assessment, what happened to all the other studs needs done.
Date: July 2021: joint memo of understanding, y’all knew u needed a threat assessment team.
Date: deferred the TA to another meeting day before shooting.
Your purchase 7M more w/ Shriner is irresponsible and has no tangible to district students. Start focus on their sasfetly
#6: consent agenda:
All approve:
#8. BOE matters:
Appoint MASB to bow directors. For region 8 rep. Lake Orion BOE, and legislative standpoint. All in favor :
OHS field trip request: robotics, , OMS & OHS choirs to camp, and
BOE leadership Code. January BOE self assessment on feb 17, not able to complete due to other training. Sent to governance committee. Amanda, heather and Erin. If approved, then will bring to next meeting. Lots of change to code, we wanted it to be clear, concise, direct, and meaningful, recognize leadership starts at top.
VOte today is march 8-10, lake city HS:
Heather move to approve. Mary Support
Discussion: is it a buss ride, they go by individual cars. Its one of the 2 district events. Parents driving, food, travel they cover, families bare expenses. Do we just approve, we have done it sometimes if its short, for parents perspective for planning.
All in favor.
#9. Finance/ operations Mr. Barna:
Nutrition svc: basic things: 25 yrs ago, all food was made at HS, and sent to others schools, not good. Operating kitchens in all schools. Director in 2020. Breakfast in classroom - works well - keep it. Kids come in. Go to classroom, teacher asks who wants breakfast, kids take roster, and send food back w/ them.
Same Roster orders lunch. Elementary 4 choices. No one else offers 4. That’s how they get daily count. And pad choices incase change mind. If left overs staff can sell as second enters.
Elementary: cold bars: fresh veg/fruit.
Secondary level: fresh fruit/veg, applesauce.
2010 passed healthy huger fee kids act: student choose fuit/veg to make reimbursable meal. That’s why they must take fruit and veg even if they wont eat it.
July 2023: healthy school meals for all Michigan for 1 year only. Allows every student 1 free bereakfast / lunch per day. Encourage students to benefit .
18/19: served less than 20 for breakfast, 40 % for lunch
23: served 11 for breakfast, 33 for lunch
24: 43 percent for breakfast, 66 for lunch
Data aug See pic
Increase of 906 breakfast, and 885 lunch per day.
Food service staff: work hard, serving many students. Short staffed.
Perm hires 11, resigned 13. ( took other jobs at Oxford)
9 applications, 2 replied for interview, 0 no-show
Benefits to working 12 paid holiday, 1 sick day, shoe allotments, pd uniforms, pd for fingerprints, more benefits than other districts.
Hard work. Substitutes resign too. They also only want to work 1 -3 days a week.
See pic for changes that expedite lines: hot breakfast eliminated. No 2 soft tacos, no walking tacos, now prepkg glazed fr toast, OMS: replace fresh breakfast sandwich w/ prepkgs
Colder into cafeteria
Preorder at OHS/OMS - not utilized.
Grab & go options
* “didn’t have a choice, couldn’t keep up w/ the volume. , labor intensive.
When full staff: want
Use substitutes as 3rd person to support elementary schools
Open deli line in OMS
Open another fast food line at OHS w/ more grab/go options.
Snack shack at OHS not able to open this year. Use for fast food
Questions: force to change due staff: goal is to increase staffing due volume? Always have 3 and bring back fav?
Like to have 3 at every element except at Lenard. Elem.
it is purposed in budget to make it a perm guaranteed annually.
Lines have always been a problem.. so you can get an app,? Only app is made to order stir fry, salads, sandwiches.
24 min wait at OHS for food.
Coffee n chat: Amanda: questions: we did learn how hard food svc works/demanding. What would u like to see from district to show appreciation.
I talked to staff, I take them donoughts, had shirts made to show appreciation. Other districts slook at it as 2nd class. 25% of all staff left been from food svc. Do you have ideas for support to retain staff. Food svc always had turnover. Ppl come in and as their kids move up, they find full time jobs. I wish there was something I could do to keep my ppl.
What is the policy on 2nds for lunch: 2nds are only extra if available, and they are not free…. For kids who can’t pay, they are always welcome to have fruit and veg they want.
Are your employees trained? All are staff prior to employment, and also certified in allergy training.
B) Drainer rd:
Change order for :
Board approved OG budget 4.178 million.
Buy out savings: construction: same came in less than original budget, a little over 80K .
Total allocation for change orders: allowances 126k, contingency: 117k, = 323k for change order originally,
Less than 10k left over from original budget. To use. About 80% complete.
End of April finished, but HVAC need to be ordered due to shipping. est finish mid may.
10k still leftover .
Change order requesting tonight: 205k HVAC bid pkg, and state fire inspector found electrical was improper placed, not up to code.
Why did the original inspection not show this.
OVA (200k in rent) will use, bridges,
Q: what will that leave in the budget. Will leave: 200k left in capital project fund for other projects if additional 500k spent.
Break/fix item: general fund: 500 k a / yr.
All approved.
#10 safety update:
Update of mass notification system for drawer rd.
Objects: conducted bldg/vulnerability:
Actions/steps/strategies: blg/vulnerability, assessment doc created over summer of 23 from 8 different sources
Evidence/metrics: assess conducted, documented completed for each campus, worked orders will entered as appropriate, results discussed w/ district safety committee at April meeting.
Adding 24/7 weapons detection NOT be installed. Looking at other projects.
Daisy the weapons dog had involution, from retired Southfield PD, dog needs more training. Not a bomb dog,
Cos continues to employe 2 sorts who are housed at OHS & OMS to support district. Part of BTAM and take part in TA and SI, SRO support campuses as needed to ensure safety and security of our stakeholders. SRO will attend training. And CEU’s .
Maintain clear backpacks,
Ask parents to acknowledge safe gun storage/ registration. Continue to educate stakeholders on need for gun safe storage, update links/resources.
Monthly BTAM meetings w/ each school.
Dr. Willemin fac. Monthly meeting review data, school/districts trends, etc.
Sign in sheets, agendas and improvement in reporting practices.
Enhanced screener .
Host PREPaRE for training for new CRISIS team members. Ex Dire of school safety, operational technology, student svc is certified to provide prepare 1 training.
12 hours of training(?)
Data: see picture.
EOP: prepare, respond and recover from emergency. Prevent, protect, mitigate, respond, recover.
See pic:
State of Michigan template 2014. Used.
Provide interventions &
Last approval of EOP was April 2023. : all buildings / schools reviewed brought to school this summer to do annual. Staffing changes/
District Safety committee: not done in isolation. Community partners,
Core duties: provide leadership, provide needed support, facilitate prevention, protection and mitigation,
Evaluate prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery activities.
Audit on aed, fireestingish etc,
Who is one safety committee see pic: #7 - OCS parents.
Parent safety subcommittee:
See pic
OG team 11 members, added addition team so reps from each school now 12.
Meet qtly,
Still wont answer on the committee.
I would have wished that HIYA rep would have stayed through the entire BOE meeting.
ERIN: will you publish
who is on it and their role. It’s been published and handed out in the community ….
ERIN: on investigations: we launched an app, is there a way we can get feedback could u talk about that next time.
Colleen: Prepare trainers .. when are we scheduled to start training our staff. 105 who are trained w/in the district. Meant for roles w/in safety or response. If you are an entertainer, you would not need to sit through the entire training. Just a specific training for that.
Amanda: eta for aed’s all good.
Who has taken over the since Laura is gone… Todd barrels
IF we could see what’s discussed in the committee…
Unscheduled comment
Laura spoke on a FOIA for the memorial. She is going to send me the information. That will be in it's own post.