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Writer's pictureCara Erskine

June 25th Oxford BOE meeting.

4 -Consent agenda - 
HR recs - hired recs - all in favor - carries 
5 - SI reports: 
Meet the SI -  hundreds of recs -  next up Eras book store and then the following week enjoying music in the park for Sinatra 
*second step ad bullying prevention 2224 lessons in our elem schools - tier 1 - all students get. 

Suicide awareness training cert for 9/10 grade students. Nook - north Oakland community coalition. . QPR suicide prevention training. 

There is a list of community partners: Why not utilize Oakland Community Mental Health? I know they have offered free services, but they have been turned down.

Mental health staff will be getting tier 2 training through TRAILS. Second step will be getting extension lessons.

Parent university:  Workshop Topics: Si prevention, Cyber safety, what is bullying, understand TA, Resilience for long run, Fostering communication during remembrance week, creating intentional self care, coping and problem-solving skills, beSmart safe gun storage - 22 workshops, 9 recovery focused. . Childcare & food helps bring ppl in. 
Nov 2, parent education fair planned. - Saturday event - lite breakfast - coffee & beagles W/ key note. Anxiety & break out speakers. 

Tier 1 PBIS implementation Growth: Score 70%  or Higher : Clear lake, Oxford elem & OMS. 
PBIS: positive behavior interventions and support. 
All schools higher in 23-24 year vs 22-23 school year.   OHS not listed. 
70% means fully implemented. 

T2: Community Therapists run Group: CBITS ( cognitive behavioral)  trauma in schools:     groups: reduces ptsd, depression and behavioral problems, helps w/ coping.  - trained internal staff.  5 OHS staff 4 at OMS, 

Early warning systems at OHS: 
Attendance, grades, credit standing: green, yellow, red. 
Student relation teams. For those in yellow and red.  - they are usually in interventions. 
OMS & elem - added reading and math screeners. 
With elem added screeners. To have a higher impact, along with sea, etc.  SAEBRS. 
Doing it each year, can see a gap and add support. 

OHS tiered response: 
T2 response FSL: Check and connect meetings: use information auto-select students for intervention groups  - circles run with students. Tier 3 response : counselor: 1:1 meetings scheduled: discuss how school is going: determine their trusted adults within 

Oxford by the #’s . 
Vectors/ safe schools 99.3%
Alice 99.6
BTAM/SI 100%
Exterior Door & Audit 100%

Raptor: Emergency mgt , visitor mgt, student safe & alert: 
Alisas’ law - silent classroom alarms - not in effect yet,  reporting requirements for the state. Students safe will hold all assessments, and bullying investigations. 

Daisy  - weapons dog doing extra training. 

Flowchart - reported TIPS for Okay 2 say. 
See pic

End of year survey:  self report: 

Staff wellness & retention: 
110 attendees.  ( how many work in total)
EAP - : increase. 
OCS pulse survey -  q1: health & well being
Care about me
Parent Subcommittee: first meeting in August. 


Amanda : Raptor: raptor replacing data on time for school starting timeline. A raptor is replacing, won't be ready for when school starts, everyone won't be trained, but should be by sometime in September ( this is a paraphrase of the answer) Q: disconnect around bullying.  Allison:  I feel like I’m getting picked on, but I”m also engaging, is it really bullying. It’s about education on what bullying really is. 
MIKE: Q - SI assessment - threshold different, why the increase. 
A: net is wider: kids are reporting, teachers are reporting etc. 
MIKE: end of year survey: security teams:  it’s one thing to say I understand it's another to know:  
A: what do you know… what is the policy… show me….. etc. they are quizzed. Tho the slide did state it was a self report survey and didn't mention a quiz results.

6) BOE matters
MHSAA membership resolution: athletic - yearly - motion- all in favor
MASB membership - motion - all in favor
Bank Deposits/signatures: Dr. Milligan &  Pres. Erin: Motion - all in favor - role call 
Board Policy Resolution: 
THRUN : all in favor - discussion - in effect July 1st - policy modification,  adaption. Role call vote - all in favor
2023 -2024 SI eval: motion - all in favor of new eval tool in July
7) Finance & ops - Ms. Makowski
 23-24 amended budget - motion - all childcare, sinking, 
All in favor

Activity funds, childcare, etc - all in favor 

OEIC parking lot Reno -  one bid - 320,000  
50 parking spaces.  - no vote, just review. 
James - asked if it should be rebid - the answer was no, not needed due to adding 3 months to the time schedule. 

public comment: M. Prince: NFWT March and Buck's call to action. ( want to support Bucks' call to action for a Bipartisan committee to. investigate the November 30, 2021, shooting to ensure it doesn't happen again. click here.

C. Erskine: Shared a parent's story about a child who finally walked into the building after three weeks of being unable to enter the high school. The mom, wanting to do the responsible thing, called attendance to inform them that her child was in the building and in the classroom with a therapy dog. However, the attendance secretary took it upon herself to enter the classroom and yell at the child until she started crying and had to leave the building. It was not up to this secretary to do this; so much for being trauma-informed if they are not going to implement trauma-informed training.

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