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Writer's pictureCara Erskine

SI candidates for Oxford High School

** please note that I was late to the meeting, and didn't see Tonya's entire presentation and caught the last 10 minutes of it. I also tried to keep the wording as close to the SI's as possible.

Ohio: Tonya - great presentation, easy to read and follow

30, 60, 90 day plan . Top 10 ( see Marisa who took pics of the slides)

Bringing together different aspects/teams/specialists - what is working, what isn’t, what resources, and who needs to be at the table to make sure all the voices are there to help move forward. 

Mary: Professional negations & your role - 

A: working w/ union as bldg principal,  but not solid member team. I’ll need to read the contract and understand the parameters and needs across the board, and what’s feasible. 

Mike: Q - do you have experience managing multi source budget

A: manage multiple grants - 4 different funding sources. District perspective, Esrik (?) funding. Has experience writing grants.  

Q: financial challenges

A: does look challenging, going to involve some tough decisions. There is a deficit. Look at district & community priorities. Directly impact students. Academics, Well-being, transportation, food, Prioritize day to day. 

James: Q: when false info is being circulated about your admission - what did you do?

A: yes. it becomes a beast, ie: student helpers in main office - they were vetted - students with IEPS would come to office  - their safe space  . Student helper overheard IEP student's inappropriate statement and put it on Social Media. 

Had to calm the building, teachers, students down. Leveraged communication platforms. Brought teachers together after, talked to parents : be transparent - assured parents being navigated.  Need to be transparent, consistent and provide as much facts as possible. It’s a long process and doesn’t settle down in one day. Just need to be consistent about message. 

Amanda: Q: theme of evals - central office experience: How to overcome this concern.

A: most of what I lean into comes from leadership in the building - managing a mini city. Complicated process. However, don’t have the opportunity to have big pic - that systemic concept. I’ve learned how all the components interact w/ each other, and leveraging resources across the board. Central office bonus

ERIN: what’s oxford’s biggest asset

A’ it’s people. The teachers, students, the people. Nothing cringe jumped out, or interaction that gave red flags. Ppl are the most important resource and you have great ppl here.

Q: do you still feel you are a fit 

A: yes. It will be hard work, but I’m up to and will thrive in. 

Questions for the BOE:

1) what are the current 2 way communication between BOE and SI and what changes need to be made.

A: The SI have sent Friday updates, and occasion direct communication in a timely matter. 2 way is ad hoc. More sub committees, to increase more dialog. . Coffee chats  on a monthly basis. Will be a formal document what we expect. Key committee members from community qtly: pastors, relators, etc.  able to text/email/call - understand it’s not 24/7

2) Process of repairing / healing/ rebuilding : courages conversations can be uncomfortable - how r u go ing to do it. 

A: in person,  encourage as much in-person contact to understand the human behind what they are bringing out. Don’t be afraid to talk to ppl in the town. Ppl are genuinely kind even when conversation uncomfortable

3) Si makes difficult decisions, ways u will support SI in making tough decisions. 

A: Collaborative. SI comes to toe after consulting / w/ their team. No surprises. We have a lot of data, becoming more data driven - w/ the systems we have in place. Decisions won’t be emotional based, but data driven.To provide the Why. 

Started building  a 5 year plan and trying to get grants for non negoatibles. Engage the ppl affected most. Instead of top down, across the board, talking about it years in advance helps no surprises. 

( does Oxford pay for the flights of candidates) 

David Raleigh - KY - ( my observations: messy presentation. To much on each slide in which he just read from).

Presentation. Similar to leadership transition plan, and now has more data. Quality school survey & stakeholder feedback. 

Personal mission: develop a collaborative process where school leaders, parents and community members come together regularly to communicate w/ one another civilly and constructively and think critically to an ( see pic)

Purpose of plan: Pre-district…. Looking, listening and learning to build relationships  w/ stakeholders.  Repeated self often and disorganized. 

Phases of the plan. 

Phase 1 - pre entry - looking, listening and learning. 

“My time” evenings/weekends where he digs into data. Available face to face, emails etc. Get to know ppl on team, lives beyond school district. 

Interactive video to put face w/ name ( due to leader profile report) climate culture via school quality surveys - I haven’t watched it as much but I have a good enough idea. 

states "Don't know if I can read the 563 pages of guidepost. "

2: entry: leading and collaborating. School visits, key stakeholders

July 1 - July 31: better understanding of schools, expectations of boe, staff.  Phase 1 will form my leadership in the next 30 days. 

Be trained formally in trauma-informed care. Meet & greet, 

Where $ is budgeted,  civic group meetings, rotary etc. introduce self to legislators, informal meetings to meet w/ parents etc, listen make self available.

Sit down w/ Anita to review cognitive data, and become familiar w/the instructional process. Learning targets, posted, learning targets updated, learning targets spoken about. 

Deeper w/ graudate …..

Meet w/ student leadership, youth action board, and advisory council. The kids is the most important stakeholder group.

3: next steps, and continuous improvement. 

Final 30 days Aug 30th. 

Creation of operational tasks to help the district achieve the goals of the strategic plan, etc

Repeated self again - often. 

Listening to understand or listen to respond. The first few days I’ll be listening to understand. I need to understand. 

Would love to if the leadership team and boe in agreement, a book study. 

Create focus groups for ongoing feedback. Middle and HS. 

Quality school survey: parent feedback being valued and respected was low. Give opportunities for families to be involved. Recruit teachers to the district. 

Continuous improvement  - don’t stop at the end of 90 days. 

Q: Heather: reflect back and describe a time when you worked a new initiative, how u got funding, etc: 

A: preschool. First began, 2 preschool half-day programs. I’m really big on gathering and using feedback -  survey pre-entry to job  - early childhood target. That’s what the community wanted, and some of our teachers thought it was important to close those gaps. Plan was created by  several people in community who came forward and had input.  That program has grown to 6-7 classrooms own principal, and teacher, assistants, funding is tricky, lots through grants, but the boe knew this. Always need to keep applying them. We going to approve it, come out of general fund, if no grants. The impact its had on kids and the community doesn’t do it justice

Mary: Q: have you participated in professional? negations/role

A: not familiar with collective bargaining. I’ve had relationships and worked w/ teacher unions yes, but not negotiated contracts

Q: what would you do to prepare yourself

A: My understanding w/a good working relationship w/ Jim Oxford Union. Talk with/ history and step further and seek out other SI that have that experience and pick their brains, pro/cons

Mike: Q experience multi-source funding/budgets. How do you approach facing financial challenges?

A: In my role, work with/ folks that handle fed grants, title 1 & 2, our finance director. Never had the privilege of working in a district NOT financially challenged. Conservative approach, go back and look at the strategic plan. BOE will say what’s sacred and will save those. Stay as far away as what impacts kids as much as possible. Focus on cutting programs or things of that nature. Try to meet the needs of kids as best we can and stay away from that. Here’s what I know, you’re always going to face situations where you’ll need to make tough decisions, my hope and it’s served me well because I’ve been able to build genuine relationships, they may not like the decision, but they respected it and don’t take it personally. IF I didn’t answer feel free to follow up

James: Q: tell a time of how you had to deal with/ false info and deal with/ it

A: coming out of covid , we recognized a need for facility tax. The BOE may approve, but up for recall. We tried to do upfront, and proactive, think of every way info could be misinterpreted

He does a lot of negging… and stated they ( community members) only come to vote to recall. (inferring to stir up trouble).

Amanda: Common theme: district size discrepancy. 

I can see where that would be a concern to some. I was an assistant. SI to one similar size. The role I played there was similar to SI, just wasn’t making the final decision. I just believe ……. Stutter……. The work is the same in terms as what I’d have to do. Relationship building, that’s the same. I believe in collaborating, empowering, etc. Oxford has a tremendous leadership team and relies on them. 

Q: What is Oxford's biggest asset:

A: People. Every group had a sense of pride, in the district and community. Important to them that I left knowing what a great place this was, and even though they are some negative folks they aren’t the majority. I’m looking for a place I feel connected. 

Still a fit?

A: More so now than ever. It was uneasy after the community experience .. I also believe in prayer and I hope its ok to say this, but the correspondence I received from several folks in the district I knew these are people that care. My kind of people. 

His questions to board:

I’ve looked at lots data… what do you see as biggest challenge: 

A: S: a lot of work, long days, hard work and first drinking from firehose, The next SI isn’t always going to know what comes next. The right person will do a great job for us. You gonna need to learn how to roll w/ some punches, community, and finances be able to roll with that. Tick skin, empathy, and communication is key, transparency goes a long way, and 1: 1 convo. Not a dig towards o for being out of state, no one can fully realize the impact. Many different groups at different levels, their recovery, process. We still have district to run, very complex…. Eye wide open.  It’s a big process. It’s going to be a lot more of that community answering their questions. 

2) I was going to ask about top priorities: but I think I have a good idea so no other questions. 

David from KY slide presentation
David from KY's slide presentation.


Greeted - friendly. 

Expectations were clear from the BOE

Will forgo buzz words, to get a clear explicit plan. 


Mission: PROVIDE EDUCATION  max. Potentials

Values: Build trust via collaboration and honesty. 

Start w/ Values: Pre July : without trust collaboration and honesty, won’t be effective. Goal through July and prior to have honest conversations and build trust. The community at large. 

Mission: august, early sept: 

Kids being back on campus, support teachers, facilities, coaches, need to empower them, and support them in carrying out that mission. Could be a lot of things… it’s what’s needed. Short-term support them to carry out their mission. I am providing resources and support best of my ability  - I need to get to know the district. Watch the district in operation.  

Vision: Sept - can I begin to enhance vision in this district. Built the foundation to add his help. 

Limitation & assumptions: 

Further discussion w/ school board

Approval / support for engagement in activities prior to July

Operational realities unkown to candidate

Consulationa w/ legal counsel

Availability specific staff and facility members based on collective bargaining agreement

Matters that require immediate attention

Potential conflicts during transition

Understands that life happens . 

April May U& June 

Attend BOE, identify & support events: talks to the community when out and about. 

Meet w/ bldg leaders. Before they leave for summer would be helpful to me while we go next into the stage of the plan. 

Meet w/ board 1:1 to fully understand BOE vision, hopes, dreams and concerns. 

Conduct a review of key documents.  Engage w/ community groups, elected officials, etc. ( who is elected that is connected to school - shriver?)

July : 

Values would support mission, trust, collaboration and honesty. 

Continue Oxford community/stakeholder engagement. Learn intentionally on allows the district to operate.  July is primarily about learning. People, partnerships and programs.  

Understand ppl that serve, work, attend, 

Partnerships that allow ppl to flourish, leverage community groups, parents, staff etc. 

Flexible on how to meet, Zoom, f2f, etc. Understand programs to maximize impact. 

First thing want to do….. send a letter of introduction, invite to sit down, and what he needs to know. Public meetings and gatherings. Chambers of Commerce, rotary,   - provided sample calendar. 

What unfolds in July will be impacted by work pre and will support what happens forward. 

Departmental Learning: 

Goal is to Identify 

  1. immediate needs to support return to school

  2. 2) strength

  3. 3) opportunities for improvement

Maslow needs. 

See slide pic. 

Learning intentional - understand how they operate then take understanding to evaluate the intent/ objectives and how it impacts students and families and translates to mission. 

A typical July/aug tentative schedule.

3 versions of the calendar that allow meetings w/ pulse. Cabinet meeting daily. 

Office hours w/ community / stakeholder  - sign up and give 25-minute sessions. 

10 phone calls A day across grades. Union reps, 

Develop a deep understanding of district ops

Ajug / early Sept: Understand policies/procedure, and recognize anniversary years of svc in 5 years at the beginning and end of the year. Cabinet meetings function at a high level.  District day and building day visits. Bridges, OVA. Shadow principals, spend time in classrooms. 

Cabinet meetings should slow and happen 2 -3 x a wk because communication has been established. 

Shift from learning to direct questions. Dedicated times in each building. 

Attend events to engage w/ students and families. 


Collaboratively plan for future. 

Principal group meetings, union leaders, etc , shift to subgroups. To refine and enhance vision.  Get input on the strategic plan, and produce summary document of 90-day plan and whats moving forward. Budget review, and early conversation for teachers next year 25-26. 

It may look like, I may not have an answer for you right now, but I’ll have one for you by ( date insert) not leave hanging 

Provided weekly updates to the community, and scheduled for open office hours. 

HE PROvided a SWOT analysis. Yay!

Q1) new initiative

A: Example first- district-wide initiative to enhance school plus the formation of the school council, stake holders from all schools reps in system, new policy, parents, teachers, w/ various sub-committees,  operation of schools and how to support them. Grants from CU, Charities, created admin internships, created curriculum schools. Can’t be one size fits all, and honors that our schools may move to different schools. 7-9 ppl on council, 4 subs 8-10 ppl per. Meet every 3 months. Provide some clear direction what a healthy school looks like financially. Very intentional, put communications out even if not parents. 

Q2) professional negations

  1. No , everyone is at At will. 1 year contract. If you have questions, comments concerns, . 

A : prepare: friend from childhood, and reached out to director. Starting relationship w/ cabinet members and union presidents to form relationships. FIL is UAW president, leverage that. And other local SI . Relationships I built over the last 6 years, will help and I will learn too. Plan of action or 1:1, mentor etc.

Q3 : Multi source funding

A: budget for office and budget for each school. Financial vitality: create norms in what a healthy school looks like, serve on governing board w/ fin. Committee, for continued support, what budget needs to look like. Got safety grants and funding for charity that’s competitive…. Encourage everyone to apply. Recognize what tax/ tuition dollars /budgets operate. Level of state funding,  experience as indep. Will be part of my learning. 

HOw to approach entry into financial decifict. 

A: what are non negate. And why they are seen that way,. Working kinda backwards. Does this mean a lot to teachers, hows that impact students… math schools, reading, etc….  Data driven & objective. What does Data tell us. Understand human side of budget, then looking at cold math and impact. Those 3 factors holistically for best interest in our students.  Most not going to bring in enough $ to educate so being mindful of where you are intentionally going to spend that last.  Here’s why we are doing this, here’s who we consulted along the way. Making sure you are clear and transparent about the process, and communicate that someone isn’t going to like any decision made. 

Q4: False info

A: Challenge as a school, the burden of care is high because dealing w/ kids. Intent desire and responsibility to protect kids, they can/wont share things that public wants to know. Public can say/share anything they want and it may not be true. So my experience I’m always going to start w/ what’s my obligation to student. 2) what can we legally share. 3) what’s the benefit/ lack to responding to….. 4) make sure when we release info we are very intentional and deliberate even if it is we recognize lots of unanswered questions, but are unable to make more info due to…… 

Reach out to those more vocal even if I don’t have more to share, but to understand what those concerns are. Luckily havn’et had anything significant that stands out. More  of students have done x, y, z and couldn’t share….  Being very intentional and that’s why communication norms are  very important. Our commitment to community if more info comes that we can share we will share immediately. 

We were directed not to share things. I’m always using caution when talking about students/kids. Error on side of caution. Doing best to protect all children. 

Q: survey: theme: public education experience 

A: I think serving kids and creating a great learning environment is more similar than different. Good teaching is good teaching. Charter school , public, non public lot of similarities why ppl get into public education. There are more similarities than difference  in families . We have students from across  economic spectrum,  and demographics reflective of our community.  Serve all students. May we don’t have some resources students need, but it’s not saying we don’t try. The core operational responsibilities are very similarity and the building of which you do those things may be different. There will be school codes that I haven’t had to address, but I ‘m open to do some intentional learning. Resources built through career, and leveraging those relationships. And be honest if I don’t know something.. collective team effort be part of that. 

Q: what is Oxfords biggest asset

A: vast opportunities. Auto Tech - looked like a dealership. The Middle school gym….  8 games of badminton, dance conservative, clearly desire to serve all students. Elementary  was throwing pillow against wall - supervised/montiored but that’s what he needed to do. So many opportunities to allow students to make their choice and what’s right for them. Early college is another example. What post secondary plans are, there’s a path to get there via Oxford.  Also meeting teachers and kids. Ppl were happy to be here, in a good mood. I remember being in middle school.. kids just do their thing during class change. Ppl were happy, knew what expected of them, meeting needs of Students. Dacia was able to speak to individual students … and bungalow Clear they built relationships w/ students to value them as human being. 

Q: still a good fit

A: based on what I heard, what gives me confidence - Vickie spoke highly of cabinet. IF I was younger this job wouldn’t be open, I just don’t have the energy I had when I was 65. Strong group to work w/ lean on #1. Hearing from staff longevity, strong structure in place. Always room for growth / improvement, don’t get the impression, no need to overhaul. Strong foundation provide me w/ opportunity to learn/grow.  Own will have our unique challenges. Our responsibility is recognize those and know growth. 

Questions for Board : 

  1. What is your ideal level of fund equity. Where do you want to be/ where are u currently

At 14%. 

F: reduction in funding coming up. Does that reality change that 14%

A: it may…. As we look at our 5 year plan, our non negoatinale and what needs to be accomplished ,and enrollment. There are penalties that if we get too close to the penalty threshold. We rode at 16% for years, and done well.

Mc:   Building, don’t be shy at promoting opportunities you have, grow enrollment, shared time etc.  Make sure we are doing our job to promote those 

2) top 3 objectives for next year:

A: governance community working though those. At the BOE: election will yield at least 1 new member and how to set them up to speed and be effective.  Develop Policy.  Keep or current svc policy or move to another one.  Focus on BOE development build our capacity and learn how to work together. We understand value of cohesive board. 

MC: I have experience w/ onboarding. 

3) Most proud of accomplishment :

A: stage of interviews. Honestly , the majority are brand new, and started off w/ strong finance committee, and being proactive, and understanding what our non negoationable . Governance  committee. 

4) outside of budget what are the greatest needs/concerns.

A: communication opportunity to improve. Getting into a cadence that doesn’t trip, talking about what our students want to receive, parents and community. Room for improvement on how we gather feedback.  Our strategic plan was developed before covid, 11/30. Reflect reality that’s here today.  

5) BoE feel most importance measure of student growth.

A: priority has shifted what we look at. How do kids feel safe, families feel safe. There is a focus on achievement, statement is required due to but whats been reported publicly.

6) board foresee the SI evaluations.

A: MASB: use as a rubric. It’s a good rubric. Ratings, comments, can’t make adjustments. Will be quartly, not an entire year between evals. 

McCormac's slide presentation for his July Priorities

Here are the Board Members' Email :

Please let them know your feelings on the candidates.

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