END OF CLOSED MEETING: Deny appeal the fee & Foia request.
Mark asked BOE to have new Attny to bring charges against BOE and school members. Remove Dr. Vickie immediately due to her lack of leadership, and running interference for students who want/need to go to counseling. Spoke to Heather & Mary about their lack of leadership.
SIDE NOTE: the Brit who worked for the school, quit. She was the one who went after a parent at the last meeting.
7339 students enrolled. 1236 FT, 1295 PT, students. Named one of the top Vir.tural schools in Michigan.
MICIP - School Improvement program
*delta math, blackbird & building writers, using PLC - create opportunities
*2ndary level: improving heart of algebra, writing through revision, and inference.
Elementary: 564-717. 60% at risk, IRIP down 1% from last year.. graduate out of elementary Tier 2.
First year implementing delta math a7dn Moby mx
: Know and Grow lessons: Getting students engaged w/ teachers. 6 targeted min lessons in core classes, more than just academic. Michigan Continuous Improvement Program.
212 courses contain K&G lessons.
SAT scores… see blue orange bar gray. From HS, neighboring communities and kids in crisis.
Tier 2 interventions are built into core classes
Tier 23 are delivered in PASS - personalized academic student S….
MobyMax Tier 1 & Tier 2. Total hours 4983.
New screening assessment. IXL is a pilot for grades 6-12.
IXL grew from 620 to 790 (?) scores. Increase. Focus on math.
MTSS intervention work - getting structured.
PLC leadership
*Professional learning communities. Data-driven social learning, duffers four questions. Hat do we want all students to know and do, how will know if they learn it, how will we respond how will we extend the learning for students who are already proficient.
Led by Wolf and Reid.
8 PLC’s leaders identified. ( why is Wolf a leader)
Advisory class
*Whole child approach. Part of 3 year recovery. SEL curricula - Trails. Hello & educational development plans personal reflections.
Counselors interact w/ students - increase engagement w/ counselors.
EDP. - educational development plans.
Custom course creation
*Completed courses ELA 12 a. ELA 9a course. OVA national HS.
Kids come from all over, Jake - therapy dog.
Virtual solutions: Share time - non public schools - 30 nonpublic partner schools, apt 4800 students enrolled
Public schools: Romeo and …..
: jan 23, 2024 minutes
Bills payable HR update - all approved
HR staffing update Ms. Ryan Reid, asst. super of HR
See pic. Of “by the numbers. Is on website.
72 new employees - 22 teachers, 50 support staff.
Designations & retirements for last 5 years.
Inclusive of all positions, minus of shared time employees, student employees etc.
Turnover rate. 2021. 9.9% 22-23 8.6, 23-34 5.6 %. Benchmark turnover date is range of 10-11.
Impact of pandemic, tragedy, labor mkt favors employee, burnout. ( burnout yet no mental health days)
Education policy jumped in 2021-22 , Stats she gave for burnout.
Oxford offers paid parental leave. Voice and choice via Personal Development.
Exit survey:
Do we know % of those who do not complete?
All employees are asked to participate. Why are ppl leaving, identify trends, etc.
What influenced your decision to leave ( on slide) new exit April 2023.
Stressful environment. Ranks as 2nd.
Improvement on?…. Communication - this also included culture to feel safe in asking and reporting concerns, and support from the administration.
Employee training.
Vector / safe schools 99.3%
Alice 99.6%
On ave 74.1% new employees completed training w/in 30 days of hire.
As of 2024 - all staff will complete training before hire. (Does this include trauma assessments? )
Data update: online for full info
Where are we now w/ metrics will be updated. Staff training, via plan calls for.
Vickie just read very basic info, didn’t go into the numbers during the meeting.
Restorative practices - 85% of HS trained, elementary “still getting our numbers up”, bullying
Will be updated again at the end of year.
Dr. Reis:
MASB board of Directors elections: don’t need to vote today, read up on bios for those in our region. Candidate forum was sent via MASB. 2:3 were there.
Reimbursement request: Washington MSAFABA conference in Jan - 950.82.
Mary: : NSBA 521.55 CONFERENCE - MARY received a scholarship to attend.
Feb 27 meeting, - move it from 630-530 to review candidates for SI interviews. HYA . They are putting together a leadership profile report on what community staff , parents are looking for. Make sure candidates are a right fit, and they feel it is too.
Zoom session Feb 18th for parent/community for HYA
CTE program: vote: Teacher Cadet program: passed
Reorganization plan - work duties of those who responsibilities are being “reduced” . 3 guest admins to help w/ initial return of students/recovery. These were contractual for 3 years, and will be laid off. Admin at OHS is prepared. Grants did pay for positions 2 years.
Safety admin. - Central mgt can not be done w/ 1 admin vs 2, to assist w/ duties, they are extending work hours for admin asst. Some duties left behind - when require police background. When those duties need to be handled, they will be on hourly basis.
1 asst. super intendent for instruction. Anita - all principals k-12, dir CTE, Recovery will report to her. Dir of circuulm grants and instructional tech will help w/ school improvement, data accumulations etc. WOLF -
Director level from school year to year round. Data specialist
Mike Schaaf.
No discussion - passed
MASS NOTIFICATION ON Drahner RD: same system that’s district wide, Preview today, vote at next meeting.
James: have we gotten past the problems from other issues.
By the time w/ students - everything should be done.
Andrea Jones: question: the positions that are being eliminated - pensions included?
May need to add additional people who need to leave the district:
MY COMMENT: 1) can we have the stats / and citations from HR SI Ms Ryan Reid that she gave during her presentation.
Mark: Sending love to OHS and MSU - teachers we appreciate you. Instructing your new attny to file charges, immediate firing of Vickie: to undermine the reports findings and refuses to
Marisa Prince:
Our first board meeting from trial - testimony from counselor and dean about info that wasn’t included in the report.
So information was suppressed - because they were not required to participate.
Crucially important to learn from those 2 ppl about their thought process.
HR identified communication as a barrier.
YOU will call for a Fully independent after action review .
It’s not too late. Need to understand until a proper report.
Corey Vanderkey : compassion is not harming ppl who have already been harmed. What have you done to support victims, families and survivors. Understanding that no-one has reached out to them. Continue to harm these families by acting like nothing happened. Who called the INSUR company while shooting was happening. They got there w/in 30 minutes, while survivors were being treated. ( get quotes from her) We should strive to be like MSU: no conversation can bring them back to life -
University sends deepest condolences. ….
Calls out heather: staring and smug. What r u doing for these victims, what r u doing for these survivors, worried about siblings going into the HS.
Scheduled activities: retreat for board. Don’t forget about coffee & conversations.
Trip to DC: from ERIN:
Oxford School Mrs. Ryan Reid, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. blames increase of turnover rate in 21-22 school year and 22-23 school year on Covid, not the school shooting.