EDIT to add. If you have the full court filing please send a copy to CommunityCatalysts2021@gmail.com.
I aim to present the known facts without introducing personal emotions into this post.
"Child Pornography" is a noun defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as pornographic material featuring sexually explicit images or descriptions of children. It is crucial to note that the information presented here is alleged, as it has not yet gone to court.
In Oxford, Michigan, where community members are already engaged in a battle with the school district over transparency, accountability, and corruption, the Administration, Interim Superintendent, and Board Members consistently assert their trustworthiness and the safety of children within the school system.
Consider the unsettling revelation that copies of a court document have been circulated among parents of Oxford Community Schools, indicating that James Vernier, the Director of Security at Oxford, played a role in covering up a child pornography incident at the school. Let that sink in for a moment. Allegedly, another security guard discovered Jim Rourke in possession of a video showing girls undressing. This third employee reportedly took the matter to the police, claiming that Vernier reacted angrily, intimidated him, and ultimately hindered his ability to continue working in the security position.
Adding to the gravity of the situation, according to court papers, this incident occurred in March 2023. Shockingly, as of December 19, 2023, both Vernier and Rourke are still employed at Oxford Community Schools. Moreover, it's worth noting that schools are required to notify the FBI of all suspected child pornography cases, as advised by a civil rights attorney contact in light of potential legal implications.
2023-203-103-NO is a civil case: Dessir Burroughs v. Fortis Group
"NO" is for "other personal injury"
The next court date according to the file is a scheduled conference via Zoom in February. The case also has several other proceedings scheduled, including a trial date in August.
Judge---Martha Anderson
Dacia Beazley ( OHS principal)- Dacia.Beazley@oxfordschools.org
Heather Shafer - can not be trusted to do the right thing
Dr. Erin Reis - erin.reis@oxfordschools.org
James Sommers - james.sommers@oxfordschools.org
Mary Hanser -can not be trusted to do the right thing
Amanda McDonough - amanda.mcdonough@oxfordschools.org
Colleen Schultz - can not be trusted to do the right thing
Michael Whitney - mike.whitney@oxfordschools.org
Vickie Markvitch -vickie.markavitch@oxfordschools.org
Subject: Urgent Concerns Regarding Child Pornography Cover-Up at Oxford Community Schools
Dear [Recipient's Name],
I am writing as a concerned parent and community member to bring to your attention alarming information circulating within our community.
Recent allegations of a child pornography cover-up involving James Vernier, the Director of Security at Oxford Community Schools, have raised serious concerns. According to court documents shared among parents, this incident occurred in March 2023. Despite the gravity of the accusations, both Vernier and the security officer implicated, Jim Rourke, are still employed at Oxford Community Schools as of December 19, 2023.
Given the sensitive nature of these allegations and the potential impact on the safety of our children, I urge you to investigate this matter thoroughly, and that all parties involved need to be suspended, and call the FBI per federal regulations. Our school board must ensure transparency, accountability, and, most importantly, the safety of our students.
I kindly request that the school board take immediate action to address these concerns, initiate an independent investigation, and keep the community informed about the steps being taken. Additionally, I believe it is imperative to involve the District Attorney to ensure a comprehensive and unbiased examination of the allegations.
Please understand that the well-being of our children is paramount, and I trust that you will treat this matter with the urgency and seriousness it deserves.
Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]
FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY prosecutor@oakgov.com
Subject: Urgent Request for Investigation: Child Pornography Cover-Up at Oxford Community Schools
Dear [District Attorney's Name],
I hope this email finds you in good health. I am writing to express my deep concern and request your urgent intervention in a matter that has recently come to light within the Oxford community.
Allegations have emerged about a potential child pornography cover-up at Oxford Community Schools, implicating James Vernier, the Director of Security, and Jim Rourke, a security officer. According to court documents shared among parents, this incident is reported to have taken place in March 2023, with both individuals allegedly still employed at Oxford Community Schools as of December 19, 2023.
In addition to investigating these serious allegations, I also bring to your attention another concerning aspect. It has been reported that Deputy Martin advised a reporter not to contact Jim Rourke regarding this matter. This raises questions about the transparency and integrity of the investigation process.
I urge your office to conduct a comprehensive and impartial investigation into both the child pornography cover-up allegations involving Vernier and Rourke and the actions of Deputy Martin. Transparency and accountability are vital to maintaining the trust of our community, especially concerning the safety of our children.
Your commitment to upholding justice and ensuring the thorough examination of these matters is crucial for the well-being of our community. Thank you for your prompt attention to these grave concerns.
[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]
[Your Contact Information]
THE FBI - will update you when I get this information - It's been said that this has been reported to the FBI.
Subject: Request for FBI Investigation - Child Pornography Cover-Up at Oxford Community Schools
Dear FBI Special Agent in Charge [Last Name],
I hope this letter reaches you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of great concern involving alleged child pornography and potential cover-up within the Oxford Community Schools in Michigan.
There are copies of a court document circulating among parents suggesting that James Vernier, the Director of Security at Oxford, may have played a role in covering up a child pornography incident at the school. Allegedly, another security guard discovered Jim Rourke in possession of a video showing girls undressing. This third employee reported the matter to the police, claiming that Vernier reacted with anger, and intimidation, and obstructed his continued employment.
Adding to the gravity of the situation, court papers indicate that this incident occurred in March 2023. Astonishingly, as of December 19, 2023, both Vernier and Rourke remain employed at Oxford Community Schools. Furthermore, we have learned that schools are required to notify the FBI of all suspected child pornography cases, as advised by a civil rights attorney contact due to potential legal implications.
In light of these deeply troubling circumstances, I urgently request that the FBI initiate a thorough and impartial investigation into the alleged child pornography incident and the reported cover-up by Oxford Community Schools officials, and the Oakland County Sheriff's Department. Please see the attached documents.
I trust in the FBI's commitment to upholding justice, and your intervention is crucial to restoring confidence within our community and safeguarding the well-being of our students.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I anticipate your thorough examination of these facts.
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]
This is the school's response. : Dear Oxford Schools Community,
It has come to our attention that there is misinformation circulating on social media regarding a lawsuit involving the district.
On May 10, 2023, the district was approached by the Oakland County Sheriff’s Computer Crimes Unit to investigate a tip that was shared with both the Michigan State Police and the FBI regarding a 2020 school incident. The tip identified there was a video on the district’s security computers with pornographic images. The FBI and Michigan State Police forwarded this tip to the Computer Crimes Unit of the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office. Upon investigation, this tip was proven to be unfounded, and the case was closed. When allegations are made, the district will immediately investigate and determine reasonable next steps in keeping with school policy and our commitment to the safety of our students.
If you know of anyone in possession of child pornography of any kind, the district strongly encourages you to immediately contact the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office. The district cooperates fully with law enforcement and appreciates their ongoing work to ensure the safety of our community.
Dr. Vickie L. Markavitch
Though Veiner didn't get hired until Oct 2022, which makes the timing not quite right. https://oxfordleader.com/schools-welcome-vernier-as-new-school-safety-administrator/
Make sure to subscribe - so you get all the up-to-date information.

It's also worth noting that the district has removed the email address of school board members.
